Claybrook Consultants
Everyone needs someone in their corner.
- T. Claybrook
We have found our lives are more easeful when curated in a holistic manner. We are all multi-faceted and expansive. There are times when we lose our joy in our work or lose ourselves in what is “needed” in this on-the-go/grind culture.
Our Consultants thrive at creating inclusive strategies to be ones best self at work and at home. We understand and highlight that life is always in flux, thus we are all always balancing, so we seek harmony and the ability to shift and adapt with ease.
Our Consultants focus on generating Happy Money through positive/meaningful energetic exchange and supporting our clients in enjoying life fully, in whatever manner is meaningful to them.
We pride ourselves on authenticity, accessibility with healthy boundaries, neutrality, clarity, professionalism, joy, and big picture holistic strategy creation. The goal is always to co-create the ideal scenario for our clients to be happy, successful, and expansive.
We have found the best way to do this is to start with the foundation. How do you care for yourself? Do you have time to workout? Do you have time to sit and enjoy healthy nourishing meals in a space of calm and love? Do you have time to do the things YOU LOVE TO DO? Hobbies? Time with family and friends? Time with yourself? Our Consultants co-create strategies for you to reclaim your time and yourself and thus your happiness in all areas of your life.